Monday, December 8, 2014

Fabric Lined Drawers!!

It's been 1 1/2 years since I last blogged any of my furniture pieces.  That's crazy but if you have followed me on Facebook you know we've had a little going on this past that hopefully life has settled down some, I plan on blogging every new piece that I put in my antique booth.  I love doing it so here's to my FIRST post in years...

I found this piece at the Habitat Restore in Brevard, NC over Thanksgiving.  I knew the bottom drawer would need some work where the veneer was broken off, nothing a little wood filler can't fix.  I thought it definitely had potential & I loved the small drawer pulls.

I decided to paint this piece ASCP Duck Egg Blue for the body and SW Antique White for the drawers.  I love the contrast of the two colors...

I love before/after pics of painted furniture...

When I bought this piece I was so blown away by its beauty and the price that I didn't even open the would not have changed my decision to buy this piece but the inside of the drawers were pretty nasty - old spray on felt!  Afters hours of searching on Pinterest to try to figure out how to remove it and realizing that was going to take way too much work I decided to scrap off as much of the "furriness" that I could and cover it with fabric!  SUCCESS-I love it and now want to cover every drawer I have!

Mod Podge

I love the way this piece turned out...took it to re-Runs today...$85!

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