Monday, February 25, 2013

Thrifting with Mr. Whitley

Trey and I decided to hit a few estate sales this weekend on our way to the cabin. I love estate sales & love a great deal.  The first one was very small but I was thrilled that I found another wooden ladder.  I've already sold 2 of these in my booth so figured why not put another one in there!  I've seen a lot of men roaming around the antique mall the last few times I was working on my booth so decided to put a few thing in my booth that may draw them in.

On to the next sale... People were lined up in the rain for this one @9:00 so there was not much left.  But we did grab this cast iron train set!

Now comes the EXPENSIVE stop in Seneca.  It's not that we didn't get good deals...I'm just the girl that keeps to one 0 on a price tag and Trey goes for the ones with at least two 00.  As we entered the house a man informed us that today is the last day and everything is negotiable-YAY!!  We lingered together for a minute then Trey spotted a small stained glass window that he immediately grabbed and I found a cute little unicorn for my sick friend. When we took these items up front for the man to hold, he mentioned 2 other etched stained glass framed pieces that he would knock down the price on-if you buy both of them.  Trey Whitley buy two-SOLD!!!



It was a fun day thrifting!  Trey now thinks he could have haggled them down some more, but I don't think he is invited back until I sell a few more things...LOL!

Here's a pic of the Lovebirds and Peacock in their new "temporary" home:)

Also, added a rug that I already had
More items to add this week...stay tuned!!  

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