Friday, February 15, 2013

New Items for my booth

Even though I haven't officially worked all week, I've been busy working on some new items for my booth.  I made a quick successful trip to the Goodwill today and found these wooden candlesticks for a GREAT deal!  I decided to try my first attempt at distressing them and I think they turned out pretty good.

I liked them like this but decided to try something different
Primed and painted
Just used black acrylic craft paint
Wipe off quickly with a slightly damp paper towel
Finished product
 I better get them to my booth quickly or I'll find a place to keep them here.

I started working on this piece last weekend while we were at the cabin.  This was a piece that was in the cabin when we bought it almost 8 years ago.  It has been painted several different times and used for many things.  Not very pretty at was last used as a nighstand in one of the bedrooms.
Before - told you - not pretty
I started trying to sand this and then remembered
that we have a basement full of cedar boards.
Added a cedar top, knocked out those funky doors
and put in a cedar bottom
First coat of red
3 coats of red and polyurethane on top
New items for my booth
Just got back from my booth to bring in my new items and found out that I have sold 3 things - WooHoo!  Now the party has started!

Here's a few shots of the new additions and a little rearranging.

Have a Happy Weekend and if you are out and about - stop by Booth #0409!

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