Tuesday, February 26, 2013

I'm in Distress...

Found this not so cute end table at Goodwill a few weeks back and decided to try my hand at distressing it and see if I could make it cute.  I think I did!!  Take a look -

Not much to it here.  The wicker bottom was also messed up.

Before a little distressing.
After - looking better.
Changed wicker bottom out with cedar boards.
I'm taking this to re-Runs this week...what do you think?  If any of you are interested in any of these items that I post just let me know so I can make you a deal:)

Monday, February 25, 2013

Thrifting with Mr. Whitley

Trey and I decided to hit a few estate sales this weekend on our way to the cabin. I love estate sales & love a great deal.  The first one was very small but I was thrilled that I found another wooden ladder.  I've already sold 2 of these in my booth so figured why not put another one in there!  I've seen a lot of men roaming around the antique mall the last few times I was working on my booth so decided to put a few thing in my booth that may draw them in.

On to the next sale... People were lined up in the rain for this one @9:00 so there was not much left.  But we did grab this cast iron train set!

Now comes the EXPENSIVE stop in Seneca.  It's not that we didn't get good deals...I'm just the girl that keeps to one 0 on a price tag and Trey goes for the ones with at least two 00.  As we entered the house a man informed us that today is the last day and everything is negotiable-YAY!!  We lingered together for a minute then Trey spotted a small stained glass window that he immediately grabbed and I found a cute little unicorn for my sick friend. When we took these items up front for the man to hold, he mentioned 2 other etched stained glass framed pieces that he would knock down the price on-if you buy both of them.  Trey Whitley buy two-SOLD!!!



It was a fun day thrifting!  Trey now thinks he could have haggled them down some more, but I don't think he is invited back until I sell a few more things...LOL!

Here's a pic of the Lovebirds and Peacock in their new "temporary" home:)

Also, added a rug that I already had
More items to add this week...stay tuned!!  

Friday, February 22, 2013

A little splash of color

Got a phone call today that I made some sales this morning so I may want to bring in more items!!!  GO re-Runs!  Well, that sounds great to me.  I've spent this afternoon getting my booth ready for the weekend and have plans of adding a few more items next week.

Mr. Whitley made a stop on his way back from Charlotte today and bought this awesome piece for my booth.

Had a dream the other night that Trey told me I was going to have to close down re-Runs and get a REAL JOB!!!!  Maybe this is a sign that dream will not come true.

Changed things up a little this afternoon - brought in some color.

Have a GREAT weekend!  Stop by if you are in the area.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My booth has a name - FINALLY!!

I am happy to announce that I have FINALLY decided on a name for my booth.  I just went ahead and made a sign so I wouldn't change my mind.  I will hopefully be adding a few more items toward the end of this week.

Let me know if you want me to be on the lookout for anything, if not just drop by Southern Estates, 415 Mauldin Rd, I-85 @ Exit 46C - Booth #0409 - re-Runs!!!!

Friday, February 15, 2013

New Items for my booth

Even though I haven't officially worked all week, I've been busy working on some new items for my booth.  I made a quick successful trip to the Goodwill today and found these wooden candlesticks for a GREAT deal!  I decided to try my first attempt at distressing them and I think they turned out pretty good.

I liked them like this but decided to try something different
Primed and painted
Just used black acrylic craft paint
Wipe off quickly with a slightly damp paper towel
Finished product
 I better get them to my booth quickly or I'll find a place to keep them here.

I started working on this piece last weekend while we were at the cabin.  This was a piece that was in the cabin when we bought it almost 8 years ago.  It has been painted several different times and used for many things.  Not very pretty at all...it was last used as a nighstand in one of the bedrooms.
Before - told you - not pretty
I started trying to sand this and then remembered
that we have a basement full of cedar boards.
Added a cedar top, knocked out those funky doors
and put in a cedar bottom
First coat of red
3 coats of red and polyurethane on top
New items for my booth
Just got back from my booth to bring in my new items and found out that I have sold 3 things - WooHoo!  Now the party has started!

Here's a few shots of the new additions and a little rearranging.

Have a Happy Weekend and if you are out and about - stop by Booth #0409!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

I sold something!!!

I FINALLY sold something - YAY!  Remember that cute chopping block I purchased a few weeks ago.  Well, if you buy a chopping block you need to get rid of the one you already have.

I changed it up a little and now it is no longer mine.



This didn't even make it to my booth...one of Trey's friends came over while I was working on it and wanted it...he surprised his wife for Valentine's Day:)

I'm going to my booth tomorrow before heading out of town to take a new piece I've been working on (hopefully, if I get it finished) and change everything up a little for the weekend...I guess my LOVE letters need to go:(  Hopefully I'll be reporting back in with more good news!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Move-in Day!!

Today was my move-in day for my antique booth.  A nice man helped me and even told me I could "up" the price on two of my items!  I think it turned out pretty cute.  Now I just need some customers:)  I have more things to bring in, I was surprised but I really don't have too much room left over.

Well, there is my booth...I'm up for any criticism or suggestions.  Please tell me what you think.