Monday, March 23, 2015

Hutch Re-do

I've always loved hutches and was so excited when my friend Heather told me she was looking for one and wanted me to paint it for her!  As you know with the Facebook swap sites you have to pretty much just luck up or you will miss the great deals that are on there.  Well, I lucked up one morning and saw this hutch and tagged Heather with it and here it is:)

She got the piece to me in separate parts.  Since Trey was out of town most of the week I just painted the top piece in the house.  The weather was too yucky to try to move it again to my workshop.  She had already decided that she wanted it black and white and by looking at it I thought it would be an easy redo.  "Thought" being key word here:)  The back part of this is paneling...looking back I probably should have primed this first BUT I didn't.  That's a lot of wood to cover.  Both top and bottom took 3 coats of paint!

Now moving on to the bottom part...I started by removing all the hardware and cabinet doors.  The plan was to just spray paint the hardware black.

On any other hardware I just spray painted right after I washed/dusted it off...well, that didn't work this time!!

Uh oh!  So what do I do now???  I had read before to boil hardware to remove old paint so I figured what could it hurt.  The hinges did the same thing.  So into boiling water they go!!

So how long does hardware cook - ha!  I let it boil for about 15 minutes...the hinges came out clean after I wiped them down.  You could tell there was another layer of "something" coated on them...the drawer pulls did not look any different except I was able to get black off.  To make a very long story short, I ended up buying a spray paint with a primer in it and after a few coats it worked!!

Next I reattached the doors and distressed a little around the edges of the drawers and top.  I love how it turned out:)

Love the black top...

Halfway time to move on to the top piece.  The cabinet doors on the top have beautiful beveled glass it in and I was a nervous wreck afraid I would end up breaking them.  I slightly distressed around the edges and the back paneling.

Changed the hardware on the top piece...

Here it is put all back together again:)

Here's the before/after...

I'm very pleased with the end result...& I've already received a quick text from Heather thanking me again and saying she loves it - YAY!