Monday, January 28, 2013

I Dream of Junk: First Ever Antique Booth - Name Undecided?

First Ever Antique Booth - Name Undecided?

I am in the process of opening my very first antique booth and am super excited.  I quit my job this past year and this is the first thing that I have been excited about...I'm dreaming of junk, what all should I put in my booth, what are people going to buy, what is the name of my booth going to be, etc.!!  Last week I went to an estate tag sale & LOVED it.  I'm ready to get my booth set up and get this party started.  Next Tuesday, February 5th, is my first day.    I'm trying to figure out a cute catchy name for my booth and have not decided on the perfect one yet.   Here's a pic of the "treasures" I found and already had.

I made the wreath to hang in my booth.

A few more things that I'm putting in my booth.

We bought this chair years ago for our bedroom.

Miscellaneous stuff.

Loved this cute leather footstool that I found at a flea market for $5!!

I have a few more things to bring home from the mountains that I have - wicker furniture set, cobbler table, cast iron Franklin stove, printer's rack and few other odds & ends.

Couldn't resist - impulse buy!!  Went to Southern Estates today to talk to them about my booth & ended up purchasing this AWESOME chopping block for MY kitchen...oops, probably not the best way to be successful at this new venture:)

If you have any booth tips - PLEASE send them my way...and any catchy names.  Would love to hear from you!